You should stay in touch with your not-so-close friends too and here's how

September 15 2015

We've hosted a dinnerparty yesterday. It had a pleasant atmosphere, great Indian food and amazing people.

A couple of weeks ago I've invited my friend James to host this dinner together. We decided on the time, place and then each of us invited their guests. We hosted it to stay in touch with people we consider valuable, who we'd like to spend more time with. The trick is that they are not from our closest circle, thus it's a wee bit harder (a day is only 24 hours long after all).

At the same time we used the opportunity to meet new people and that's why we hosted this meeting together, James and I. We handpicked the guests, so they had a guarantee that people they meet are worth their time. Maybe they will not become great friends (and maybe they will), but for sure there was a chance to do some business, discuss projects, get advice etc.

Of course there's a lot more people we'd like to stay in touch with and that's why we're planning on making these meetings recurring. The idea is to host them always in pairs, but everytime different ones and everytime with a different set of guests. This way we can stay in touch with more of our friends, get to know more people and infuse more people with the same idea. So at the end of the meeting James and I, each of us asked one person to co-host the next meetings. So next time we’ll have 2 separate meetings hosted. We’ll strive to always have 2 hosts and always have these hosts create the next meetups. It will be up to the participants if they’d like to do join though.

So there are 2 rules:
- always 2 hosts,
- each invites 4 guests.
And then just let the conversations begin. We (the hosts) also did 5-min talks in the topics of common sense and presentation skills, just to give some more value to the participants.

Use the idea if you like it. I for sure do and will continue hosting these dinners.


[email protected]
Wrocław, Poland

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