Hello World!

November 07 2017

Hello / Bonjour / Jo napot kivanok.

My name is Deborah and I'm a Canadian by nationality and spirit. Europe was my home, however, for almost 8 1/2 years. I'm married to my very best friend, a good looking, hard-working man with a generous soul. I started using Twitter on a regular basis around January 20, 2017. I like reading short stories (shout out to Alice Munro!), occasionally making scones from scratch on the weekends and, I dream of travelling to Morocco, Zanzibar and Pompeii. I never read the sports pages, I'm a little bit clumsy, lousy at computer programming and, don't know how to drive a standard (but would like to learn one day for no other reason than to prove that I can master the art of the stick shift). I started a meditation series on Time Management three days ago and oddly I am already reaping some of the benefits of this course (NOTE TO SELF: STOP MULTI-TASKING). One of my all-time favourite things: I love, love, love when restaurants warm up the bread rolls (it's the little things in life).

I signed up to Listserve a few months ago (please don't hate me) intrigued by the idea of having a daily read, on my commute home from work, of the unfiltered thoughts from individuals from far and wide. People I would likely never cross paths with let alone exchange emails. And so here I am writing to you.

Note: Hopefully you will have an opportunity to actually read my email. I was so shocked to see that I won today's email lottery that I accidentally unsubscribed to Listserve and had to re-subscribe.

Anyway, many thoughts swirled through my head upon learning that today the Listserve forum would be mine. What is it that I really want to share I asked myself? What do I wish to say? What dreams do I have that perhaps readers can help make come true? What questions in my life would I would like to see answered?

Should I seek help in solving the mystery of my father's disappearance and the whereabouts of his final resting place? Do I use this once-in-a-lifetime chance to showcase some of the (bad) poetry that I wrote in my "bohemian" days in the 80s? Do I write about my younger brother's inspiring partner who is putting up a spirited fight against cancer? Should I write instead about my beloved maternal grandmother, a woman of great wisdom with an unparalleled sense of humour, who passed away at 105 years of age? Or should I just keep it simple and ask Listserve readers to practice random acts of kindness like never before?

Ultimately, I decided that I wanted to share this good fortune with my husband and asked him if he had anything he would like to share or say. He thought about it for a while then suggested I tell the story of how a few years ago I vehemently disregarded his theory that mankind is undeserving of the planet earth... to fast forward to today where I more or less share his perspective that we humans have made such a frightful mess of things (for reasons I won't dwell on) that perhaps we don't really deserve to be here.

And so we ask you, the Listserve community, to please share stories of why you have not given up on us humans and to prove us wrong (one act of kindness at a time).

Thank you.


Somewhere in Canada
[email protected]

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