Finding your passion

March 04 2017

I have a lot of things I'm good at. This didn't crop up in my undergrad years.

From a young age, I've been a voracious reader - which has slowed down a little lately because of work, MBA classes, and life in general.

I'm a film buff - so much so that I joined the staff of a friend's film blog (Monday Morning Matinee, for those interested) when it was starting in 2013 and I've been writing reviews and other content since. I just don't always keep up with writing reviews, despite setting my own deadlines.

I've been into photography from a young age, snapping away on a point-and-shoot at summer camp and on family vacations, upgrading to a quickly-dated digital camera in 2003 and more recently a Sony A6000. It's more a hobby, but I still have a Flickr that's gathering dust ... I do regularly Instagram, though, and some of those newer photos have been making their way up there.

Music is also a passion, thanks to growing up in a house with vinyl and listening to WCBS-FM. This progressed into 4 fun years of college radio, which brought with it lots of great people, tabletop gaming, and getting into Neil Gaiman's 'The Sandman'.

So where am I going? I'm still figuring that out. I know what I enjoy, I know what I'm good at (from personal and professional experiences) ... but what do I want to get paid to do? Or do I want to strike out on my own and make it big doing what I enjoy?

That might take a little time for me to answer. In the meantime, I've got more reviews to write, Oscar picks to finalize, MBA coursework to study, plenty of books to read, and a girlfriend of two years to spend time with.

Jason Stack
New York, NY
[email protected]

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