April 20 2015


I believe that everything happens for a reason.
An article of faith that helps keeps me sane.

I think of you, Bubbe.
For always cutting roses for me.
Cracking walnuts with your bare hands.
For rye bread and butter.
Your love for Grandpa inspires me.

My parents are my role models.
Thank you for keeping me innocent.
And protecting me.
For teaching me right from wrong.
Establishing a home that encourages warm hospitableness and inviting anyone and everyone.

K, thanks for designing my engagement ring. Mine has pomegranates.
And always being there for me.
To help.
To listen.

I love you, Platty.
So incredibly, insanely, tons.
I am excited for our adventure.

Parts of me to share:

A poem:

Yawning after the Noon
I listen to the silent chatter
of outside, sprinkled with white
pieces of sky. It’s a mystery to me.
How placid I feel while the Earth
journey through the chaos

Do I stand still, chained
by my sludgy temperament?
Or do I swirl alongside frosted dust?

I choose to flutter down the hazy
ivory sky, always moving
always a try.

Books I enjoy:
The Tortilla Curtain
Eat Pray Love

Bands I love:
Lady Antebellum
First Aid Kit

Dance freely
To hike the Pacific Crest Trail, a dream
I want to run in an open field full of flowers
I like the thought process of essay writing

New York City