The power of numbers

June 08 2017

11: the number of the month where two of the most important events of my life occurred.

207: the number of days since I met the most incredible person in my life.

201: the number of days since Donald J. Trump won the presidency

15: the number of times I cried the day he won

0: the hope I felt the day he won

0: the chances we will give up fighting against him

Last time I spoke to you I talked about uncertainty. This time I'm talking about numbers. We don't think about the little things in life like numbers but they rule everything and every interaction in our lives.

For me 11 is the most important number. It is both the month where Donald J Trump won and where I met someone who I intend to spend the rest of my life with. I can't think of one without thinking of the other. While it hurts to think of the negative with the positive, it's important while thinking about something so negative, to remember what's good in life.

I challenged readers last time I wrote to you, to think of uncertainty in life as an tool to empower you -- not weaken you. This time I have a similar charge: think of life in terms of numbers and how they connect all of us. Whether it be to happy (or sad) memories, life events, our loved ones, etc, life is full of numbers

What are your numbers?

Russell Bowman
Washington DC
[email protected]

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