2015 was a good year

February 11 2016

2015 was a good year for me and my family.
I started university again.
I read at least 2 books per month.
I found a part-time job.
Family became vegetarian.
My parents got to see their grandson for the first time.
We moved to a new city.
We moved to a new apartment.
My son started kindergarten.
We had our first real christmas tree.
I had a surgery for my blindtarm and it went well.
I worked out regularly - about 3 times a week.
I went to my first symphony concert.

A few things I want to do in 2016:
Do meditation daily.
Learn about music.
Get my driver’s license.
Visit Japan.

Hope you all had a good 2015 and happy the year of monkey! Xin Nian Kuai Le!

Yue Ma
[email protected]

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