I quit my apartment to code from the forest

June 06 2013

I recently quit my job and my apartment to live in the forest in a tent.

Actually tonight I'm in a wind shelter by a still and beautiful lake and in front of me there is a small fire, the sun is setting,
and on my lap, my laptop.

I'm a developer. I moved to a tent into the forest to be able to code on my startup project full time.
Not only does that give me the time to do this but it also gives me peace of mind.
I change my location about two times a week.

Computer, forest, batteries...? Unpractical? Maybe it would have been more rational to keep the apartment and just cut costs?
Well, rational and right do not always align.

I have no apartment, I have no job and I have no income.
Still I'm exactly where I should be. I'm on my path. My gut feeling lets me know that.

I'm not exiting to a normal life until my startup has taken off. This is my big adventure. I'm not coming back empty handed.

Small notes on how to do this:
I power my laptop, phone and external battery with two portable Brunton 62 Watt solar panels.
I cook nice food on my Primus OmniLite stove.
I live in a comfortable Hilleberg tent.
I carry all 35 kg in a Norrona Recon back pack.

There's my live, 35 kg. It should not take more to slay the dragon, win the kingdom and divorce the princess.
Well I do also have a car. C'mon, dragon slayer without a horse?

If you are in the startup business you know that raising capital is not easy.
I speak to some seeders. They love my idea. I mean everyone I speak to love it, but the seeders
say it's to early to invest in without having actually seen the product. Maybe they're right. Hard for me
to decide, I'm a bit biased.

I can't really tell you what I'm doing, but yesterday I read this in an article by Adam Wiggins:
"Software is eating the world. Everyone can and should be able to write software in order to have a stake in the future."
This is exactly what I'm doing. Bringing software development to the masses.

The lulz requires this, me and my designer Micael are looking for:
Javascript/HTML/CSS haxx0rs with a sense of design.
C++/Lua/GNU/Linux gurus.
Investors in IT that want to break new ground.
Not that we could pay you any bucks, but the lulz are the lulz. =)

If you want to see some pictures of my forest life, try my blog, it's my fullname dot com.
Or follow me on Twitter, my Twitter id is also my full name.

Quitting my apartment and my job at the same time was really hard to do.
I had elevated adrenalin levels for days. To sooth the waves of anxiety that swept over me regularly, I had one picture
that I kept looking at. It was a picture of the beautiful forest which I was to move to. That gave me strength to
take the steps necessary to get on the trail.

I really hope you're on your path or taking calculated steps to get there. However big or small it may be.

Some kisses and some hugs and remember to stay true. But you already knew that.

Thomas Backlund
[email protected]
By a lake, in a forest, Sweden.

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